This website is no longer active but remains a
repository of my published work and of other information relevant to the
extreme dangers of the use of nuclear weapons. However, I remain very
active on

| I served in the submarine service from 1961 - 1981. During this time I commanded a diesel-powered submarine HMS Alliance, was Executive Officer & temporarily in command twice of the Polaris submarine HMS Repulse, Teacher (CO) of the submarine CO's Command Course (Perisher) and commanded a nuclear-powered attack submarine HMS Sceptre. To know more about our underwater operations in the Cold War, view this Power Point Presentation I
left the Navy in 1981 to seek broader horizons and worked in industry
for over 20 years. Unconstrained by naval discipline and conformity,
this broadened my perspective Click on all blue links and images for larger images and/or further information |

Why Trident? is a compendium of my published articles together with some information
from this website and other sources.
Published by Spokesman Books (the publishing arm of The Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation) and available to purchase online or available to download f.o.c. in print format (8Mb pdf) Click HERE to read my covering letter

Click HERE to read my three minute presentation on my proposed pathway to disarmament at this Nuclear Risk-Reduction event held on-line 20 September 2022 at which representatives from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (Sylvia Osaba)and the Labour Party (Fabian Hamilton) attended.
The NIS is a not for profit organisation placing fact checked information about nuclear safety and projects in the public domain. This is of particular importance now that the Government (as of 2022) hs stopped issuing safety reports and will not publicly answer any questions of any type regarding the nuclear deterrent. NIS issues reports on specific matters of public interest and provides regular updates throughout the year.
My contribution to an international seminar on No First Use held in July 2021.
Putin threw away the nuclear deterrence rule book when he invaded Ukraine. NATO were forced into a proxy war for fear that direct conventional military action would provoke his use of tactical nuclear weapons. As Dr Fiona Hill - a very knowledgeable specialist on European and Russian security affairs who has advised both No. 10 and the White House - said in an interview in April 2022 on BBC Radio 4's “Today” programme....
- So it is very clear we are not going after Putin because he has nuclear weapons
- He [Putin] is telling everyone you need a nuclear weapon so the whole idea of non-proliferation is out of the window
- We are in a whole new territory we have not been in even in the Cold War
"Nuclear annihilation is just one miscalculation away" so spake the UN Secretary General addressing the opening session of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference 1 August 2022. So it is indeed time to rethink.
March 2023 Submision to SONAC
Click on the logo (l) to read my submission to the UK Secretary of State’s Office of Net Assessment and Challenge (SONAC). I argue that UK reliance on nuclear weapons and massive investment in the ‘nuclear deterrent’ has actually weakened UK deterrence against an aggressor like Russia because it has consumed resources required for conventional forces – and it is conventional forces that can realistically be employed to address aggression without escalation to a nuclear war.
This section contains
answers to a number of questions surrounding the UK's use of the Trident
nuclear weapon system. is contained in this section.The Archbishop of York's (Stephen Cottrell) address
to the Church Synod in July 2018 (when he was still the Bishop Of
Chelmsford) is particularly relevant. It made a major contribution
to ending years of ambivalence by the Church of England on nuclear
Contact details